Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society welcomes contributions from the fields of anthropology and other related disciplines. Please submit your manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief or the Editorial Secretary as an email attachment in Word format (1.5 line spacing; Times New Roman 12-point font; alignment left). If access to electronic mail is not available, the submission may be sent on a CD. Divide paragraphs with a double space, do not indent; do not format headings or the body of the text unless a word needs to be italicized (foreign language or emphasis); indent long quotations (more than 100 characters) but do not otherwise format.
Each manuscript (apart from review essays and Forum submissions) must begin with an abstract of approximately 150 words, ending with a list of up to seven key words. Approximate manuscript lengths (including the abstract, reference list and endnotes) are as follows: articles 8-11,000 words; research reports and essays 3-5,000 words; book reviews and news items 800-1,200 words. We welcome illustrations, charts, drawings and photographs, which should be sent as separate, numbered and titled files, not embedded in the article text file. References (including archival references) must be indicated within the text, for instance (Boas 1928: 75) and not appear as foot or endnotes. Endnotes may be used for additional comments. References are listed in full at the end of the text in the following manner:
Barnett, Homer G. 1961. Being a Palauan. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Handler, Richard 1984. On Sociocultural Discontinuity: Nationalism and the case of cultural objectification in Quebec. Current Anthropology 25 (1): 55-71.
Hanks, William F. 1996. Exorcism and the Description of Participant Roles. In Michael Silverstein and Greg Urban (eds), Natural Histories of Discourse. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
The full name of an archive should be provided at first usage but may be abbreviated thereafter; primary sources and their abbreviations should be explained and listed in full in the end-list of references. When citing electronic media, conference reports, visual material and other sources, please follow the Harvard system.
Kindly enclose your contact information: name, affiliation and position (unless you are an independent scholar, in which case the institution where you gained your most recent degree), address, phone number and email address. A very brief academic resume is also desirable. Research articles which are considered to be of an appropriate standard for publication are reviewed by experts and acceptance is conditional upon suggested revisions being satisfactorily executed; a second round of review may be required. Review procedure for research reports is less rigorous but still involves assessment by editorial staff and scholars competent in the field. Critiques will be forwarded to authors.
We encourage submissions by authors whose native language is not English and, provided the text is comprehensible, arrange for internal language editing free of charge after final revision has taken place. We explain our policy to our reviewers, to whom it is usually a novelty. Most journals require that language editing be performed before article submission, at the authors’ own expense.
Authors are requested to supply the names and affiliations of at least two appropriate potential reviewers, though these suggestions are only meant to act as guidelines and may not be followed.
Writers of articles, essays and research reports receive two copies of the journal; reviews, news and Forum contibutions – one copy. All contributors receive the full PDF file of the Journal issue in which they are published.
We reserve the right to make minor editorial changes without consulting the author. The publisher does not take responsibility for possible loss or damage to authors’ files. For further information, please contact one of the Editors or the Editorial Secretary.
Research Report Guidelines.
So far as Suomen Antropologi is concerned, the difference between a research article and a research report lies both in length and scope. A research report is approximately 3,500-5,000 words, depending on content, while an article is approximately 8,000-11,000 words – again dependent on the quality of ideas and their presentation. A research report is altogether a more tentative affair than an article and findings may be rather more hypothetical, with discussion somewhat less fully supported by, and grounded in, previous work by the author and other scholars. A bit edgier, in fact.
It’s an authorial choice: a research report has less rigorous review procedure than a conventional article though will still be read by editorial staff and a competent scholar working in the field; it will also be shorter and less demanding to execute. Examination of the difference between reports and articles in recent issues of the journal should give the contributor a general impression of what is required (available online on Ebsco Academic Search Complete). On the other hand, it is usual to mention in an academic CV whether a publication is an article or a report and obviously the former will carry more weight in this context.
There is no hard and fast format for writing research reports, obviously; it will depend on a wide range of factors such as the research question, the research methods, the quantity of data gathered from all the various sources including primary and literature/scholarly, the purpose for which the report is being made – and so on. The following is, therefore, only a rough guide to writing a report suitable for consideration by Suomen Antropologi. We are a long way from inflexible on the format, however, and are open to innovation of all kinds in this area.
1) Title page:
• title of the report
• personal information (name, affiliation – or most recent institute in case of an independent scholar, contact address, email address, very brief academic resume, abstract of approx. 150 words, key words)
2) Statement of the phenomenon/problem – clarity is important: e.g. What scientific issues or problems does the project address? What are the research aims/goals/fields of interest?
3) Methodologies used in data collection and analysis:
• approaches, data sources, ethics/validity issues, specific procedures etc.
4) Review and discussion of research literature, e.g.:
• theoretical background and current social scientific status of the issue/problem
• scholars/conceptual frames which, in light of data collected, seem to provide the greatest assistance in understanding research material – and why
• theories or hypotheses which are not supported by your data so far
5) Tentative/preliminary findings/hypotheses or whatever