
Biennial Conference of the
Finnish Anthropological Society 2015

Landscapes, sociality and materiality
Helsinki, October 21–22, 2015

HomeProgramPanelsFilmsInformationFees and registrationKnots


Timetable of sessions (pdf)
Presentation timetables in sessions (approximate; pdf)
Conference program (pdf)
• Philippe Descola: Westermarck Memorial Lecture abstract (pdf)
• Anna Tsing: keynote lecture abstract (pdf)
Paper abstracts (all papers, 49 pages, pdf)
Film program and abstracts (pdf)

Wednesday, Oct 21, 2015

9.00 Registration and coffee
10.00 Conference opening
10.30 Keynote lecture: Anna Tsing: The buck, the bull, and the dream of the stag: some unexpected weeds of the Anthropocene (Room 104)
12.00 Lunch
13.30 Panel session A
P1: Arts of Noticing: Multispecies ethnography in anthropogenic landscapes (Room 313)
P2: Building the Self: Considering the Intersection of Landscape and Identity (Room 404)
P4: Cities as Moral Laboratories: material change and social movements (Room 309)
P5: Ecological re-enchantment (U35, seminar room 105)
P10: Landscape and memory (Room 312)
P11: Landscape and New Politics of Nature (Room 405)
P12: Landscape ontologies in collision: food, politics, and (non)human transformations
in the neoliberal era (Room 401)
P14: Sacred landscapes (Room 208)
Films (Room 505)
15.00 Coffee
15.15-18.00 Panel session A continues
18.30 – Anthropology sauna (see the bottom of Information for directions)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

9.00 Panel session B
P2: Building the Self: Considering the Intersection of Landscape and Identity (Room 404)
P3: Children’s understandings of landscapes and environments (Room 208)
P6: Ethnography of contemporary ritual landscapes (Room 313)
P7: Geographies of Capitalism and Landscapes of Globalization (Room 309)
P10: Landscape and memory (Room 312)
P11: Landscape and New Politics of Nature (Room 405)
Films (Room 505)
12.00 Lunch
13.30 Panel session C
P3: Children’s understandings of landscapes and environments (Room 208)
P6: Ethnography of contemporary ritual landscapes (Room 313
P7: Geographies of Capitalism and Landscapes of Globalization (Room 309)
P8: ICTs, wellbeing and the development in Africa: Opportunities, potentials, and challenges (Room 401)
P9: Infrastructure and Mobility
P15: Utopian Enclaves and Moral Infrastructures (Room 405)
Films (Room 505)
Poster session (2nd floor corridor)
15.00 Coffee
15.15-16.45Panel session C continues
17.00 The Westermarck Memorial Lecture by Philippe Descola: Landscape as Transfiguration (Room 104 and 505)
19.30 Evening banquet, Restaurant Piano, Rauhankatu 15